The Upper Billabong catchment has a long history of people working together to restore and protect waterways and riparian corridors. Producers in the area have been early adopters of catchment-friendly practices on farms.
Upper Billabong is traditional country of Wiradjuri First Nations people. The catchment covers 171,000 hectares, encompassing the headwaters of the Billabong Creek, which rises in the east and travels west for more than 300km. With no in-stream storages, the creeks flow in response to rainfall conditions.
Upper Billabong is an area of high rainfall, supporting prime agricultural land as well as habitat for special plants and wildlife including Squirrel Gliders, Regent Honeyeaters, Swift Parrots, Superb Parrots, Rakali, Southern Pygmy Perch and many others.
Two decades on from the creation of the first Waterway Management Plan for Upper Billabong, a new plan has been co-created by the community, landholders and project partners. Today’s landholders have an opportunity to build on past successes and to address new and ongoing challenges.
"We have one of the last populations of Southern Pygmy Perch in the Murray catchment and it has been teetering for the last 10 years. Getting the whole community involved and keeping our creeks and waterways functioning and resilient as our natural and production systems adapt to climate changes, can give these struggling species the fighting chance they need."
There are five sub-catchments within the Upper Billabong. Click on the map below to read about the specific environmental values of each sub-catchment.
Habitat for wildlife, including rare animals, is of top importance for community members in Upper Billabong. The catchment is home to 34 threatened species of terrestrial or semi-aquatic fauna. Platypus once also lived in the Upper Billabong. While not all of the threatened species are directly associated with riparian areas, the benefits of healthy waterways extend into the wider landscape.
Habitat features in healthy waterways, such as refuge pools, stable stream beds and woody debris, are particularly important for the persistence of some threatened or declining species in Upper Billabong.
Southern Pygmy Perch, Mountain Galaxias, Freshwater Mussels and refuge pools will be the focus of management strategies in the area over the next ten years. Refuge pools are areas that remain wet during drought, and are often the only place that some threatened species are able to survive.
Refuge pool at Spring Creek, Narra Narra. Credit: Rob Lacey.
Healthy natural wetlands are increasingly rare in agricultural landscapes, so those that do remain are highly valued by the Upper Billabong community. Wetlands are areas of land that become covered or saturated with still or slow-moving water. They may be permanently wet, or they may dry out during periods of low rainfall.
Wetlands provide habitat for a range of animals, as well as breeding grounds and nurseries for insects, fish, frogs and waterbirds. They also provide valuable ecosystem services, including filtering pollutants and sediments, and retaining or slowing floodwaters.
There are several wetlands in the catchment that are a high priority for protection and improvement in coming years.
Wetland on private property.
The waterways of the Upper Billabong provide water to many farms and households for stock and domestic use, as well as being the main source of town water in the catchment. The community values clean water, and is aware of the importance of biodiverse, well-vegetated waterways for water quality.
Stock in the Upper Billabong.
Habitat connectivity is essential to a landscape that supports good biodiversity, enabling wildlife to move from one area of habitat to another. Upper Billabong has already seen significant investments in improving connectivity – Travelling Stock Routes (TSRs), riparian corridors, nature reserves and other crown land and council reserves all play a role.
The Billabong Creek was described by wildlife ecologist Matt Herring as a “wildlife superhighway” – the Creek and its tributaries are home to Squirrel Glider and Brown Treecreeper populations that rely on connected areas of habitat. These corridors of connective habitat are valued by the Upper Billabong community.
Connectivity can be increased in the catchment through further revegetation along creeklines, as well as connecting blocks of remnant vegetation close to waterways.
Habitat corridors in the Upper Billabong.
Significant work has been undertaken by landholders and others in the Upper Billabong to revegetate the landscape over the past thirty years. Approximately 23% of the catchment has been protected through fencing and revegetation, helping to protect the habitat values and water quality of the creeks. The opportunity to continue this revegetation is ongoing, and techniques continue to adapt to suit changes to climate, farm practices and latest science.
Revegetation is one of the key methods for enhancing a farm’s Natural Capital. Visit the Rewards page to find out more.
Revegetated waterway in Upper Billabong.
The Upper Billabong catchment is Wiradjuri Country, part of both the Albury and Wagga Wagga Land Council areas. Through the Refreshing Rivers Program we are encouraging and creating opportunities for First Nations People to engage with waterways and waterway management in the catchment. We are also supporting non-Indigenous people to understand and respect the priorities of Indigenous people in relation to the Upper Billabong Catchment.
Through this engagement, Refreshing Rivers aims to support the protection of physical and spiritual cultural values, the management of environmental values, two-way knowledge exchange where appropriate, and connection to Country.
Holbrook Landcare staff & board Cultural Appreciation training with Aunty Edna Stewart, Uncle Tunny Murray, Aunty Ruth Davys, and Uncle Sam Whitby from the Albury First Nations Community. Credit: Holbrook Landcare Network.
Below are some of the factors threatening waterway health, ranked by the community.
Erosion in Mountain Creek
Stream bed and bank erosion was nominated as the greatest threat to waterways in the Upper Billabong. Figures from 2002, published in the Upper Billabong Land and Water Management Plan, indicated that there was 466 km of streambank and gully erosion within the catchment, and that "gully erosion may increase to over 700km by 2030 if certain landuse practices are maintained".
While Murray LLS and its predecessors and partners have undertaken on-ground works to address erosion in the catchment in recent years, there is more work to be done. Farmers continue to face challenges when attempting to address erosion, and the Refreshing Rivers Program provides new opportunities for farmers to be supported in this work.
Erosion in Mountain Creek
Survey respondents identified climate change and associated disasters as important threats in the catchment. In the last decade alone, the Upper Billabong catchment has experienced drought, severe bushfire and multiple floods.
Climate change is already increasing the severity and frequency of natural disasters such as bushfire and floods, while changes to seasonal temperatures and rainfall patterns are expected to have a major impact on the agricultural sector and the economy of the catchment.
Healthier waterways are more resilient to natural disasters and to changes in climate. Therefore actions which help look after waterways – such as revegetating wide buffers along streams and managing stock access – will help build resilience in the long term.
Mountain Creek in flood, November 2022.
Decline in water quality (e.g. increased salinity, turbidity, total phosphorus) was voted the third highest threat in the catchment by survey respondents. However, there is a limited monitoring network to provide evidence for decline, or to understand the ways in which this decline might be occurring.
Water quality decline is a known problem in many catchments and can occur due to a range of processes:
The focus of the Upper Billabong Waterway Management Plan is to further understand community perceptions about water quality, and improve water quality data and information to inform future management.
Measuring Turbididty (water clarity) in Spring Creek, 2016.
Weeds are a threat to values in the Upper Billabong catchment as they compete with native species, form dense thickets, smother native vegetation and reduce the productive capacity of the land.
Key species present in the catchment include Alligator Weed, Parrots Feather, Blackberries, Willows, Illyrian Thistle and Hawthorn. Alligator Weed is a Weed of National Significance (WoNS), as are several species of Willow.
Willows are a particularly serious threat to waterways. Their root masses can choke stream channels, cause localised floodplain inundation or cause diversion and erosion of channels. They also impact waterway ecology through extensive leaf fall in autumn, rather than the gradual, all-year-round leaf fall of native species.
Blackberry infestation along Wantagong Creek.
Terrestrial pest animals in Upper Billabong which impact on waterway health include deer, pigs and rabbits. They overgraze native riparian vegetation, contribute to bank erosion, cause weed invasion and damage water quality through manure inputs and increased turbidity.
Aquatic pest species are also a problem, including Gambusia, Carp and Redfin, which compete with, and often predate, native fish species such as Southern Pygmy Perch.
Gambusia are an invasive fish that compete with native fish for resources.
Unrestricted stock access and grazing of riverbanks is an issue of concern for the community. When allowed unrestricted access to riverbanks, livestock cause the following problems:
Over the past 14 years, over 32 hectares of riparian land has been fenced from stock access to address bank erosion. Many people in the community understand the threat of stock access to waterways and believe that there is more work to be done.
Cattle in creek.
The Refreshing Upper Billabong Waterway Management Plan is co-created by the community, landholders and project partners. It builds on past successes and existing management strategies in Upper Billabong, and provides the foundations for our work .
You can download the full Waterway Management Plan below, or scroll down to see our recommended priority actions for landholders.
If you are interested in getting guidance for your property or tackling a specific problem, get in touch with Peter.
Recognising and valuing your farm’s natural assets is a great first step towards making informed farm management decisions that can improve your productivity and profitability while also promoting biodiversity and the health of waterways on your property.
The Refreshing Rivers Program is offering a free service to work with landholders to better understand natural capital on their property.
Fence a buffer zone along waterways so that stock pressure can be managed in sensitive riparian areas. This may involve complete exclusion of stock, or creation of a riparian paddock that is grazed strategically to promote native vegetation growth and limit weeds.
The productivity benefits of waterway fencing include:
For landholders, stabilised creek banks that are less likely to erode in high rainfall events reduces stress and anxiety about land and stock loss.
Waterway fencing:
See Stock & Waterways - A NSW Manager's Guide: Riparian Fencing (2019) for information on fence layout, fencing types and potential management options.
The Refreshing Rivers Program can also equip eligible landholders with support through providing access to a work crew to erect fences. Visit the Rewards page for more information.
On many properties, fencing off creek systems allows landholders to revegetate and improve their waterways without compromising agricultural production.
Understand the natural assets on your property and be ready to be rewarded through environmental markets.
Start by developing a big-picture view of your farm within the landscape. Map the location and condition of natural assets, including waterways, areas of remnant or planted vegetation, farm dams and areas you know support native wildlife. Note areas vulnerable to flood and erosion, as well as changes in land type. From here, consider opportunities for enhancing these assets in the context of other goals on farm.
The Upper Billabong Project Officer, Peter, can provide support through this process.
Understanding natural capital on your farm provides the opportunity to be rewarded through environmental markets and/or certification schemes. See our Rewards page for more information.
Mapping and improving natural capital also has a range of direct benefits for the production system.
Natural capital on farms includes soils, water, carbon and the diversity of plants and animals. The natural assets which make up this capital include riparian remnant vegetation, rocky outcrops, refuge pools, paddock trees, farm dams, floodplain wetlands, groundcover, shelterbelts, scar trees, habitat for specific threatened species and more.
By assessing natural capital on your farm, you can identify opportunities to improve natural capital with a range of flow-on benefits for the broader farming system. Ecosystem services (the services to humankind provided by natural ecosystems) are particularly relevant here.
These services provide a production benefit to farms, and include:
Assessing natural assets, particularly waterways, in the context of surrounding landscapes has the following benefits for waterway health:
Talk to your Project Officer for Upper Billabong, Peter Rowland, about assessing natural capital on your farm.
Instream logs and debris create habitat complexity, which is essential for healthy waterways. They also facilitate the formation of pools by forming obstructions that trap sediment and fast-track the development of leaky natural weirs. Logs and debris can be added carefully to waterways to provide this habitat without compromising other values.
A range of habitat features can be added or improved, including:
Creating and enhancing habitat along waterways has many benefits to landholders, including:
The benefits of improving habitat along waterways are twofold.
Firstly, in most cases, improving habitat requires management changes that will benefit the waterway as a whole - for example, reducing channelling and erosion to allow shallow and deep areas to form will also improve water quality.
Secondly, habitat improvements such as restoring vegetation have many flow-on benefits for waterway health, such as filtering run-off and stabilising banks.
Visit the Restoring riparian areas website (Sustainable Farms, 2023).
Contact your Refreshing Rivers Project Officer, local Landcare group or native plant nursery for advice on appropriate local species to use for revegetation or in-stream planting.
Learn about the recent work done to restore Woomargama Creek and create pool and riffle habitats to provide sanctuary for endangered Southern Pygmy Perch.
Work with your neighbours and the Refreshing Rivers Program to improve waterway health at a catchment scale, and to connect areas of riparian vegetation with other remnants and plantings in your community. Remnant patches such as Travelling Stock Reserves or roadside vegetation, or planted strips such as shelterbelts, all create vegetation corridors.
Working with your neighbours and others in the community to connecting corridors of vegetation has many benefits including:
Corridors help to:
Talk to your Project Officer for Upper Billabong, Peter Rowland, about connecting with your community to create corridors.
See also Ten ways to improve natural assets on a farm (Sustainable Farms, 2020).
Woody weeds can choke waterways. Infestations can be controlled through a combination of strategies, including biological control, grazing, manual removal and waterway-sensitive herbicides. Maintaining a cover of perennial species helps reduce new infestations. Pests and weeds are best controlled as part of a farm-wide approach, and management can be enhanced through collaborative control programs with neighbours.
There are many productivity benefits of controlling pests and weeds along waterways, including:
Waterways can easily become choked and smothered by weeds, which also compete with native plants. Benefits of weed management include:
Benefits of pest management include:
Pest fish are also a significant problem in many waterways, and measures to control or reduce pest fish will help support the survival of native fish species.
NSW Weed Control Handbook (NSW Government, 2014) - a guide to weed control in non-crop, aquatic and bushland situations.
Priority Weeds of the Murray and Riverina Regions Identification Guide provides basic information to help identify and manage species listed as priority weeds in the Murray and Riverina Regional Strategic Weed Management Plans.
The Refreshing Rivers Program can also equip eligible landholders with support through access to a work crew for significant weed control projects. Visit the Rewards page for more information.
Creates a riparian buffer zone, Reduce run off, trampling along fragile banks, enables native plants to regenerate, improve habitat for fauna and flora including threatened species. Less sedimentation means improved water quality and smothering of habitat
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Riparian fencing to restrict stock access
Reduce weed spread across property, legislative requirements, loss of viable grazing land, declining property value, woody weeds are a harbour for pests. Woody weeds can choke up and reduce access to waterways.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.
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Willows at Adelong Creek
Reduce weed spread across property, legislative requirements, loss of viable grazing land, declining property value, woody weeds are a harbour for pests. Woody weeds can choke up and reduce access to waterways.
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Project Officer Cherie working with one of the landholders
Learn about how we are supporting these actions in the Upper Billabong Waterway Management Plan
Check out a few of the ways in which community, landholders and project partners have come together to improve the waterways in the Upper Billabong. The Refreshing Upper Billabong Program provides the opportunity to build on these successes, as well as tackling new and ongoing challenges.
In the upper reaches of the Mountain Creek, habitat restoration for the endangered Southern Pygmy Perch also has many benefits for landholders, revitalising much-loved and valuable creek systems.
If you are interested in guidance for waterway management on your property or have a specific problem you’d like to tackle, please get in touch with our Project Officer Peter. You can fill in the form or use the contact details below to get in touch.
Website developed by the Australian River Restoration Centre